Friday, April 17, 2009

Introducing Tres Hatch...

Tres, what can I say. This day shoot started a little rocky. On my way to take these my car decided to stop going forward on the freeway. Well I got off the nearest exit, and sat there for about an hour waiting for my ride. I am so thankful that Tres was so patient with me. She had to wait an extra hour for me to show up. Then to top it all off we had the lovely snow. And boy oh boy did we have snow. I think it snowed at least three inches from start to finish. None the less we did finally get around to taking these and may I say that this woman is beautiful. She is older than you think and if I look half this good at her age I will be in heaven. Good luck Tres with all of your adventures, especially your BOOK, MIRACLE PILL coming soon to a book store near you. You have inspired me to dream bigger....

(Side note: I love the funky colored one)

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